SM64 Universe

Forum Charts June 2024

By: TariGD on 2024-06-28 11:53:57


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Welcome to the sm64 universe forum, a place to share and discuss various subjects such as modding, theory or just talking about your day. sm64universe specifies that the author of a message is responsible for his comments. Therefore sm64universe cannot be held responsible for the actions of users. Although the moderation teams do their utmost to remove illegal, dangerous or offensive content, it is impossible for us to control all messages, so if you consider that you are facing illegal content, please notify us at the following address ( -Direct provocation to acts of terrorism or the apology of terrorism. -Any message or content inciting terrorism. -Messages of a child pornography nature. -Racist, xenophobic, revisionist messages, promoting war crimes, discriminating or inciting hatred whether against a person, a group of people because of their origin, their disability or their belonging or non-belonging to an ethnic group, a nation, a race, a religion, a sex, or a specific way of life. -Messages of an insulting, violent, threatening nature, with shocking content or violating human dignity. -Defamatory messages. -The propagation or dissemination of false information likely to disturb public order or alter the sincerity of an election. -Messages violating copyright, image rights and respect for private life. -Any request for help with hacking of any kind, as well as messages explaining how to proceed. -Calls for the formation of groups with a view to committing attacks on automated data processing systems or on people (particularly raids or harassment). Abuse is punishable!

By: TariGD on 2024-06-28 11:54:06

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